In autumn 2021 we updated our app NODA – at GooglePlay with this nice monthly review. Now it’s possible for you to scroll all your health data in NODA.
Due to the great demand for health topics and medication, you can request an online and / or presence health consultation at .
Our English website is driven by „green influence factors“ on our health. By this we mean that prevention is the best thing you can do for your health. But environmental factors grow worse, so it´s decisive to know how to live healthy before getting ill. Join this website or our newsletter (see below) to learn more.
Our participation in „pharmacy makes school“ of the LAK Baden Württemberg carries the topic prevention to the schools and to the next generation. Please feel free to contact us at or download the registration form and further information at
Our new newsletter from December! Register now for free on this website. You can also support us once or with a flexible, chosen by you, monthly sum. And because it is important to us that medical information is shared independently, you can also receive our newsletter for free!
Just write us at!